Sailing through Denmark and through Germany

Irene did indeed sail right through Denmark and Germany. Both countries have inland routes allowing seagoing vessels to travel from the North Sea to the Baltic and vice versa. We are always interested in a bit of freshwater travel and appreciated the added bonus of getting into the Baltic without rounding the north end of Denmark. We preferred to avoid the Skagerrak, notoriously rough and busy. Irene's path through Denmark (map from On a dark windy May night Irene arrived at Thyborøn, the western terminus of the Limfjord, Denmark. We seem to make a habit of arriving at new ports in the night. Definitely not by choice, it just happens that way. Sometimes we stand off at sea until daylight for safety’s sake. But in this case, emboldened by good charts, a sandy flat bottom, good buoyage, and fishing boat traffic to follow, we roared right past the breakwaters into the entrance, rounded up and dropped sails, and motored slowly into the yacht basin (clea...