Greenland 9/15-25/17
Irene made a quick, if not particularly comfortable, passage from the Canadian Arctic to Aasiaat in Greenland. During early planning stages, we had thought to skip Greenland and head directly down Baffin Island to Labrador. As we popped out into the Baffin Sea, driven by a fierce arctic 75 knot tailwind, we altered plans based on these factors: 1) We were low on diesel fuel – the long detours around heavy ice had depleted our reserves. 2) An extra nasty storm was brewing on the Baffin Island side. Our shore support, Mike, was emphatic that we head east. 3) Greenland seemed like an interesting place to visit. Good pastries were rumored to be available there. 4) Aasiaat is the destination of the Norwegians tug with the Maud that we had followed through the ice and we were very interested to meet the crew. Sometimes serendipity helps out – in this case, we reluctant visitors to Greenland were oh so glad we were diverted to this country. All of the factors that directed us to G...